Tuesday, March 30, 2010

this is what change looks like

Spring Solstice brought with her the blossoms, my birthday and Obama's health care bill. For me, a happy trinity. Triads have expanding harmonic frequencies which seem to offer forever unfolding possibilities, resonances of newness which are emboldening and exciting. The sustained effort of a bleak winter is rewarded by red berries and yellow daffodils. Transformation is no longer a metaphor. If it worked for Persephone, it can work for me.
As I begin my new year, I feel the need of a metamorphosis. In his remarks after the approval of the bill, Obama spoke to us about the possibilities that can occur when we rise above the weight of our politics. He said that "We did not fear our future - we shaped it." With a change in tense, I have found the mantra that I can chant as I decide to finally depart from my inverno, my long winter. This past summer in Italy, we drove past Lago d'Averno, the lake 10 miles west of Naples. For the ancient Romans it was the protection for the nearby cave which was the formal entrance to the underworld. I would like to go back there now to fling all the battered baggages for Charon to ferry away.


Marie-Helene Carleton said...

the order may be right chronologically, but emotionally should start with your birthday, from where all blossoms come :)
and that smile. oh, that smile.
i like the melding of the personal, the seasons and the political. beautiful.

Unknown said...

you have an amazing memory, I couldn't even remember the story of the Lago. I love when you mix languages, gives to your writings an exotic flavor